I'm currently a Research Associate at
Cardiff University where I work on the
WISERD Project researching Welsh linguistics and sociology of language. I was previously based at
UWE as an Associate Lecturer. I have worked as a lecturer at
Bangor University and at the
University of Huddersfield.
This is my second post at Cardiff; I contributed to the data collection and processing aspects of the CorCenCC project (see
Projects) to create a National Corpus of Contemporary Welsh. My thesis
provided a description of the Welsh impersonals like
dywedir and
casglwyd , in order to identify the aspects of the Welsh impersonal morphology
that impact syntax. The thesis also addressed the subject of unaccusativity in Welsh. See
for more information and see
for other projects.
In the tabs above, you'll find more information on my
background in linguistics (Projects,
Output) and one
with a summary of my research written in Welsh (Cymraeg),
in case
you were wondering. Ideally I'd like to share all my data, but for now,
the page data contains a
few lists that might be of use to people researching Welsh.