I'll add data from my thesis and further projects to this page, so that others can use and explore the verb classes and glossed data from Welsh. I hope that this will be useful for future research in Welsh lexical semantics and linguists wanting to better understand Welsh data. Something like this:
Agentive adjectives
bwriadol bodlon pwyllog hamddenol gofalus pwyllgar ymwybodol gwirfoddol penderfynol trylwyr
Causative construction
make-pst.3sg y
art rhew
ice i
dat gord-iau’r
cord-pl’art ffenestr
window dorri
mut\break.vrb‘the ice made the window cords break’
Deadjectival change-of-state verbs
In the meantime, you're welcome to get in touch with me, using the e-mail address below, and I'll be happy to share my data in PDF or LaTeX format.